Empowering you to LIVE life to the fullest

About: Empowering yourself

Ever wondered what it would look like living your dream? Healing yourself from your illnesses and diseases? Throwing away your rose-coloured glasses and seeing the world through clear lenses?

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
― Wayne W. Dyer

The only thing you have complete control over is your own choices. Once we stop trying to fix the things around us and we start making choices for ourselves that are self-honouring, self-loving, it is amazing and so powerful what we can do and achieve. The Ego says ‘I will be at peace when everything falls into place’ but the Spirit says “everything will fall into place when I am at peace”.

Albert Einstein said that the most important decision we would make is whether we live in a supportive world or a hostile world because you will continually look for evidence to support your hypothesis. You either focus on love or on fear. Bruce Lipton says that it is this perception, this decision, that determines whether we will grow and change, or protect yourself and degrade.

“We can control our lives by controlling our perceptions.”
― Bruce H. Lipton

My name is Emily and my vision is to spread this knowledge and empower people to live the life they desire. I have spent the majority of my life as a people pleaser. Once I became aware of this, of what I was creating and what I truly desired, I realised how I had been merely functioning as a robot. My actions and choices had been programmed into my subconscious mind by the limiting beliefs and perceptions of my parents, my teachers, my doctors, my friends, the media, and the government. This had been happening from the moment I was born, I was completely unaware that my life was a regurgitation of these habits. I was on the road to not living a life of 70 years or 80 years, but a life living the same year 70 times. Over and over.

The process of breaking down all the invisible barriers I had put up to protect myself was painful, but rewarding. At first, I made myself completely vulnerable to attack and criticism, blame and abuse and I chose to take these on. Then I learnt this: When people and situations come up that can cause anger, guilt, fear, disappointment or any other kind of discomfort for you, you can either choose to accept or reject the gift. You can either take on the anger or learn to say no thank-you and keep on walking. The power is yours.

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep on telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

The journey I am on now continually amazes me. I have had my eyes opened up to the beauty and serenity of the universe, I am always full of gratitude and love for life. I see things I desire and ask for come to me with ease. I now walk around with a spring in my step, with joy and inspiration in my heart, with a smile on my face and an openness to receive all of what life has to offer me. It’s great to be alive.


Comments on: "About: Empowering yourself" (5)

  1. holistic moon said:

    Wow Em!!! Your words are powerful! Incredibly articulated and I can feel your immense strength!! Love, Blessings and Magic SiStar!!! Xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey! Thank you very much <3. I believe that it flowed out well not because of my own intelligence, but because I was deeply connected to spirit. I am interested in seeing what you write about, wasn't aware that you did. Thanks for stopping by SisStar xx


  2. A truly inspiring post Emily, I knew there was a reason that I love you so much. The light that shines through you is truly inspiring. Your smile melts my heart, and I am so fortunate to be the man you have chosen to be your husband. Keep up the good work, I love you very much. God bless you.


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